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The reopening of the shopping centers will be in two stages and these are the changes that we will see after the pandemic

La reapertura de los centros comerciales será en dos etapas y estos son los cambios que veremos tras la pandemia
Después de la alerta mundial de salud por el coronavirus la normalidad no volverá a ser como la conocíamos, sobre todo porque habrá que reforzar las medidas de salubridad en nuestras interacciones en público. Y estas las comprobó Luis Sandoval al visitar este centro comercial, el cual está por reabrir sus puertas con nuevas políticas de comportamiento social.

Shopping malls in Los Angeles prepare to open and face the new reality that the coronavirus left behind

Centros comerciales en Los Ángeles se preparan para abrir y enfrentar la nueva realidad que el coronavirus dejó
La gente regresa a las calles y a la vida social poco a poco, pero las medidas de seguridad no se van, solo se modifican. Por ejemplo, los centros comerciales tendrán nuevas políticas para evitar que haya congregaciones de mucha gente, así como el mantenimiento de la distancia física en todas las tiendas.

Commercial Real Estate Company Focuses on Tenants’ Needs, Customer Safety

MISSION HILLS, Calif. — Olivo at Mission Hills is just one of the 25 shopping centers owned by Primestor Development, a family-owned and operated company based out of Culver City.

“Primestor has been around for 30 years. I think we’ve seen historical issues, complex situations, but this [is] unprecedented for our business at a time when it’s impacting ever sector of every industry across the world,” said Primestor CEO Arturo Sneider.

Sneider doesn’t know what the effects of COVID-19 will be long term. Right now, he says no one is signing new leases or contracts because every company is on emergency management mode, focusing on the immediate future.

When It Comes To Decision-Making, This CRE Giant Makes Women A Priority

Primestor Development Director of Leasing Rosa De Luna never paid much attention to the makeup of her company's board of directors. 

To her, every month when she sits down and sees the other three women board members of Primestor, it feels natural, she said. "It's very exciting," De Luna said. "There's a lot of collaboration and we work all well together."

A message from Primestor to our dearest residents, vecinos, and community partners:

During these challenging and uncertain times in our beloved City, in our homes, in our community and around the world, we at Primestor believe that our greatest strength lies in our people and our ability to lead by example. Now more than ever we unite to show our youth, our loved ones and our neighbors the amazingly caring community that we are.

In our years of partnership and with your support, your community “shopping” center, has become a City landmark that serves as a beacon to show what is possible when we work hand in hand in partnership and with respect for each together. We must not forget how much work and passion went into making this landmark town-center.

As we manage the current crisis, our mission remains the same: to serve as a resource and place of peace while prioritizing your safety and wellbeing. For this reason, tenants in our shopping center that provide essential services will remain accessible to you for so long as it is legally permissible. While we may not be able to gather and celebrate our anticipated monthly events or dine-in as usual, your grocery stores and key stakeholder businesses remain open to provide essential services. We have increased security and maintenance services to ensure that our tenants that provide essential services remain open and safe.

Together we built our City. Together we built our community and together we built our community centers. We must always remember that we will get through this together, but only if we get through this together. We are as committed as ever to helping our City, our community and our center prosper, protect, and act as an example of hope, cultural vibrancy, and as an economic engine and job creator.

We are here for you, and look forward to serving you with cariño, respect, professionalism, and love as we have done for the past thirty years.

Dios nos bendiga.

Con respeto,


How Arturo Sneider Builds Up from Within

Primestor Development CEO Arturo Sneider is passionate about serving communities based on what they need and building a true economic foundation from within.

To many, activism and the real estate industry might not seem like a likely pair. But as CEO of Culver City, California–based Primestor Development, Arturo Sneider takes an activist approach in all the work his company does to boost marginalized communities that have historically been passed over or misunderstood by other developers.

A Place Called Home Celebrates 25 Years of Service to South Central Youth and Families at Annual Gala for the Children

Arturo Sneider of Primestor Development, Inc. was honored for his socially uplifting leadership and support of APCH. Above is Arturo with some of his Primestor family.

HACLA Hosts 100 City Officials from the National League of Cities Summit

The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA) welcomed nearly 100 city officials from all over the country for a mobile workshop and a tour of Watts. Tour stops were made at Nickerson Gardens, Jordan Downs and Watts Towers where the government officials saw first-hand how community-led efforts are making a lasting impact on public safety, housing and the local environment in Watts.